Take action to end hunger in Hawai‘i

Hunger continues to be a major issue in Hawaiʻi, where the cost of food on a thrifty budget is some 80 percent higher than the average on the continent—the highest food costs in the United States. Vulnerable populations, including keiki and kupuna, are at particular risk of being food insecure.

To address this critical issue, the Hawaiʻi Hunger Action Network (HHAN) works on select priority issues each year within our four areas of advocacy: economic supports, public benefits, emergency food innovation and disaster preparedness.

Want to get involved?

Scroll down to learn more about our priorities to find talking points and sample testimony

New to advocacy?

It’s easy to get started! Here are instructions on registering for a capitol website account and submitting testimony.

Our Current Priorities

SNAP Access

Farm to Families

Universal Free School Meals