Report examines complex issue of senior hunger
To effectively address the problem, policymakers need to place the issue of senior hunger into a more holistic framework—one that understands the interplay between public health, economic justice and social capital.

Exploring the “Hunger Industrial Complex” with author Andy Fisher
Does our current system of addressing hunger in the United States actually perpetuate the problem by overlooking the root causes of food insecurity?

Fighting to protect food assistance for Hawaiʻi’s working families and seniors
With 48 percent of our island population living paycheck-to-paycheck, we can’t afford to cut these critical benefits.

February SNAP to be distributed early due to government shutdown
The early distribution could result in major disruptions to household food budgets in the event that benefits run out before the next scheduled distribution in March.

Farm bill protects SNAP, other critical nutrition programs
The bill passed both houses of Congress overwhelmingly and is now on its way to the President’s desk to be signed into law.

After school supper is a big missed opportunity in Hawaiʻi
Only 182 Hawaiʻi children benefited from after school suppers on an average weekday in 2017.

School breakfast: building a solid foundation for learning
Many of Hawaiʻi’s families can’t afford to provide their children with a healthy breakfast every morning. You can help when you donate at Safeway this September.