$8 million in additional federal funds now flowing to Hawaiʻi to feed keiki
Hawaiʻi sees first school meal reimbursement rate increase in 40 years.

Anti-hunger advocates urge lawmakers to address hunger cliff
The cliff is a result of Congress’ decision to end the federal emergency allotments that were implemented to reduce food insecurity and stimulate the economy for the duration of the pandemic public health emergency. These temporary benefit boosts expire at the end of this month.

After more than 40 years, USDA increases Hawaiʻi’s school meal reimbursement rates
This rate increase for Hawaiʻi is the culmination of years of work by local anti-hunger organizations and child advocacy groups.

Report: Hawaiʻi is short tens of millions in annual federal funds to support feeding children
Since 2000, Hawaiʻi has missed out on over $200 million in federal funding for the state’s school meal programs, according to a new report released today.

Hawaiʻi continues to fall behind on school breakfast
Only 4 in 10 low-income Hawaiʻi students is getting the benefits of school breakfast.

Hawaiʻi drops in child summer meal participation rate
Fewer than 1 in 11 keiki who receive free or reduced-price school lunch participated in summer meals, dropping Hawaiʻi to 44th in the nation.

Hawaiʻi is last in the nation for school breakfast participation
Fewer than 40 low-income children in Hawaiʻi ate school breakfast for every 100 that received free or reduced-price school lunch during the 2018–2019 school year.

Prominent food justice author Andy Fisher to speak at UH Manoa
Why do wealthy countries like the U.S. continue to struggle with food insecurity?

Fewer Hawaiʻi kids are getting free summer meals
Less than 1 in 11 eligible keiki is participating, dropping Hawaiʻi to 43rd in the nation.

Hawaiʻi drops to 50th in the nation for school breakfast participation
Alternative breakfast models such as offering grab-and-go meals have helped boost participation rates in other states.

Less than 1 in 10 low-income keiki getting summer meals
If Hawaiʻi could increase its summer participation to 40 low-income keiki per every 100 who eat school lunch, the state would receive an additional $1.4 million in federal funding in July alone.

Hawaiʻi makes great strides in getting summer meals to needy keiki
Hawaiʻi’s national ranking jumps from 47th to 37th out of 50 states and D.C.

Hawaiʻi drops to 47th in the nation in school breakfast participation
Appleseed announces Hawaiʻi School Breakfast Challenge to boost participation rates.